Monday, April 8, 2013


Hi guys!

I found this on one of the design websites I frequent, Abduzeedo. The magazine is Volta and the designers were Francesco Muzzi, Giacomo Gambineri, and Matteo Gualandris. Here's a bit about it from the designers themselves:
We had to design a magazine about alternative energy sources.
Our main concept was to put everything in an historical perspective, showing how some of the energy sources we now consider as "alternative" were once the most common, showing how the future could get and finally showing the present as just a point in a long evolutionary process.
The parts about the past have a yellowish background and make use of b/w images, drop caps and a rigid grid. The parts about the present have a white background and use mostly photos and some little infographics with a more complex and versatile grid. The parts about the future have no fixed background colour and are completely based on infographics.
 What a smart way to be consistent and yet be able to differentiate the parts of the book that they needed. Also, they did really interesting things with their grid that really helped me see the benefit of more columns. Flexibility seems to be key in things like this. I will be keeping that in mind.

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