Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Harper's Bazaar

Because I am somewhat of a magazine hoarder, I brought down my stash from the closet and began hunting for nice typographic design and interesting typefaces. Interestingly enough, I realized that when flipping through magazines for fashion and light reading in the past, I have a tendency to overlook beautiful design and nice layouts. SO, going back through old magazines I have put away for crafting projects, it was nice to, somewhat, “re-discover” the elements that make the magazines beautiful and nicely designed.

I chose to pull and few examples from Harper’s Bazaar Magazine to highlight their use of well-designed typographical additions to articles. A cohesive, binding element, of the magazine is their use of Bodoni. This typeface has been allocated to most titles, headlines, and paragraph openers. This seems to be the “go-to” typeface for a major chunk of today’s high fashion magazine, it’s also been recognized in Vogue, as Whitney mentioned in an earlier post. This modern typeface is great for these types of editorial, high fashion publications; for it mimics the expensive feel of the clothing it draws attention to.

Here are a few examples I found appealing:

In the above example, I was drawn to the repetition of the “V” letterform. I enjoyed how they used the shape of the letter and incorporated it into their overall layout of the spread. The article is also about veganism and an emphasis on vegetable intake so I thought this was a wise choice to emphasize this certain letter. 

I also enjoyed the use of the intended emphasis on a chosen letter from the next 2 articles. It adds a level of interest to an otherwise, somewhat plain title made up of extra large letters. The choices to change the color and enlarge these selected letters really draw attention to the titles of these sections.

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