Horror Film/Poster Typeface
Classification: Ornamented/ Novelty
I found this typeface on We Love Typography and wanted to learn more about it. This typeface was used in horror movie posters and advertisements. The two pictures are slightly different but have the same aesthetic. You get the same movement from the type in each poster. I found these to be really interesting in comparison to what we consider horror today.
These are movie posters from 1964. The director of the films, Del Tenney, did a double feature with the two films and I just love the typeface and the layout. The audience of these posters would be anyone interested in horror films or customers at a movie theatre or newspaper where these would be shown.
The typeface enhances the message with movement. Even when you just get the close up shot of the type above these posters you could probably assume what it would be for. The layout cracks me up between the relationship of type and imagery. You have the scary monster with the lighter type on top and then the beach party on the top and the creepy lettering in the bottom right (it forces your eye around the chaos). The other one is also interesting in the fact that you can almost hear what the words are saying by there shape and movement.
It's funny that I chose this type style because my style tends to gravitate to a very clean, simple, modern style I use a lot of futura, avenir, etc. My goal would be to branch out and try and use a more ornamented typeface in my work this semester. I defiantly think these posters will help inspire me.
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