Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Twenty-Two Tips on Typography | Enric Jardi

Twenty-Two Tips on Typography 

by Eric Jardi

This book is basically exactly what it says it is. There are 22 "commandments" you could say of Typography Do's and there are 22 "oh no she diehn'ts". He starts out the book discussing how less is more, he says that when mixing typefaces to stick with only a couple, more than three gets VERY congested VERY quickly and is more of a distraction than anything. I particularly enjoyed when he says to think of typefaces as you do voices, "The more we restrict our typographical pallet, the more expressive resources we will use, like contrast rhythm, symmetry, and movement".

The book was originally written in Spanish so there are plenty of typographical and spelling errors all over the place because of poor translation. BUT, we are going to look over that and enjoy what Enric Jardi has in store for us!

I love the descriptions of the typefaces in this image on right. Not only does he give the typeface its props - he also peels of the surface and I appreciate the honesty. 

"Trajan is lapidary and can seem pretentious. Gothic type looks Germanic; it works for heavy metal music but can also spew racist insults. FF Din is cold like modern architecture but is comfortable as well. Bodoni is elegant but could look too affected. Rockwell is practical and resistant but can bee too rough. Helvetica is cool, universal, official, and maybe bland. English script is elegant bt can easily become tacky. Times seems elegant to many but it is also vulgar; it is everywhere. [& my personal favorite] Cooper Black is fatty and sexy. "

The book is designed to be a teaching tool for fast paced courses. It is a great resource for someone who is a veteran in the biz or someone who is very new to the game.

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