Monday, February 25, 2013

Jaclyn Arens_Booksetting

Looking through the blog posts, Jennifer's Human Letters discovery of Amandine Alessandra really caught my eye. So I creeped on Amandine's Behance and WOW, look for yourself.

Thomas Fuller’s phrase “A book that is shut is but a block” is illustrated by the use of books for their shape and colour, rather than content.

Amandine says "Building up the letters also reminded me very much of typesetting, as every type made of colored books had to be blocked with white books, just as it is done in letterpress, where large areas of white space are created by wooden blocks called furniture." Amandine is a photographer/graphic designer based in London. I think her work is so inspirational and innovative; it definitely helps thinking about new and creative ways to express typefaces.

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