What I found to be nice within the layout of the article was the little details they kept throughout the entire article. Within the sub-sections they included the triforce. The first half of the article the triforce became a decoration at the intro paragraph of each sub-section. The second half of the article still included that detail but in a slightly different manner.
Overall the way that the articles were split up was done well. There is plenty of variation between the pages to keep it visually interesting. The pull-quotes used are done nicely as well. The type used for the headers is a serif italic face. I'm not sure what the name of it would be. It loks to be a modern face, but I'm usually not good at determining that. The body copy is a sans-serif face. It's clean and easy to read. I'm not sure what the name of typeface is though. The body copy isn't justified which allows for the ragged edge on the right. It works for the overall flow and readability of the article.
The way that the imagery is interlaced within the article is done well. There's a variation of how things are placed but you can tell that there is an underlying grid. This will influence how I think about laying out type and images together in my own projects.
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