Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mary Kate McDevitt: Hand Lettering & Illustration

So I was doing my usual Pinterest browsing earlier when I came across this eye-catching poster: 

I followed the link and stumbled upon the website of Mary Kate McDevitt, a letterer and illustrator living and working in Portland, Oregon. She graduated from the Tyler School of Art in 2007 with a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration. As a freelance illustrator and artist, her list of clients have included Chronicle Books, Adobe, CMYK Magazine, Nintendo, and many more.


After perusing McDevitt's work, I realized this is a designer who I definitely want to follow and keep up with. You don't see a lot of designers today who do strictly hand-rendered work, and McDevitt's illustrations and type are so fun and whimsical. Her typography ranges from script to sans serif and everything in between. Hand-done type to me makes something just feel more special. I plan to have several illustrated artworks in my portfolio, and I would love to try my hand (haha) at illustrated type as well.

You can check out her website here:

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